Commentary - Drafts, verse, and prose.

Tis' not as deep as a well, nor as wide as a church doorway, but tis' enough...

"It is you who are unpoetical," replied the poet. "...The rare, strange thing is to hit the mark; it is the gross, obvious thing to miss it. We feel it is epical when man with one wild arrow strikes a distant bird. Is it not also epical when one wild engine strikes a distant station? Chaos is dull; because in chaos the train might indeed go anywhere, to Baker Street, or to Bagdad. But man is a magician, and his whole magic is in this, that he does say Victoria, and lo! it is Victoria. No take your books of mere poetry and prose, let me read a time-table with tears of pride."
The Halo Story Page

Angry by Richard Nickel